From Childhood and Youth:
I was born in Köyliö, Satakunta, Finland in 1969. I have two older sisters and, contrary to my name (orpo, meaning an orphan), I have both a father and mother. I had a happy childhood. We lived in the small rural village of Vuorenmaa, where my parents worked as teachers. I attended primary school at the school next to our home.
I have only positive memories of my childhood and youth. Growing up and living in my home village was safe and secure. There was always something to do, such as playing sports, scouting or fishing.
In 1989, I graduated from Säkylä Regional High School and completed my military service in Parolannummi. I enjoyed my time in the army and completed the PsRUK, even considering enrolling in the cadet school. However, after successfully passing the entrance exams for economics at the University of Turku during my military service, I decided to pursue my studies there.
Work experience
In August 1994, I was elected General Secretary of the Student Union and have been working continuously since. In 1997, I was elected Secretary General of the SYL and had the opportunity to interact with the President, ministers, and officials. We advocated for increased student grants and higher income limits, and we had a lot of fun.
From that position, I became the Executive Director of the Southwest Finland National Coalition Party in 1998. In this role, I gained a comprehensive understanding of Southwest Finland through frequent travel to various spring and autumn meetings. My work was well received, and Ville Itälä, the Minister of the Interior and Chairman of the National Coalition Party, invited me to serve as his special adviser in Helsinki in 2002.
As Ville's assistant, I was involved in the challenging world of politics, participating in government negotiations, parliamentary group discussions, and party battles. When the National Coalition Party lost the 2003 elections and went into opposition, I became the Deputy Party Secretary of the National Coalition Party until 2005, when we relocated to Turku. In Turku, I worked as a business services manager at the Turku Adult Education Centre until my election to Parliament in March 2007.
Every politician's goal is to become a member of the Council of State, so being elected as a minister in the spring of 2014 was a great moment for me. In the years that followed, I served my country in three instructive and rewarding ministerial positions. My year-long stint as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry was especially memorable. I gained a wealth of knowledge in a new field, and the cause of Finnish food remains close to my heart. There is still a lot of untapped potential in Finnish food and new possibilities in our forests, thanks to new technologies.
In 2015 I was offered the post of Minister of the Interior. At the time, in early summer 2015, when the President of the Republic appointed the government, I was unaware of how central the role of the Ministry of the Interior would become in the autumn. The war in Syria and other unrest in the Middle East and Africa caused an unprecedented wave of migration to Europe, and Finland was not immune. A record number of asylum seekers arrived in Finland in a very short time, and our migration policy and all its practices had to be reassessed. Under the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, we took an action.
Vaikka olemme päivittäneet lähes kaikki ohjelmalle kuluneiden vuosien aikana, tunnen pientä ylpeyttä siitä, että kokoomus voi seistä myös vanhojen ohjelmiensa takana. Maailman menossa tapahtuneet perustavaa laatua olevat muutokset koronan, Venäjän hyökkäyssodan sekä inflaation myötä ovat osoittaneet, että kokoomus on ollut oikealla asialla. Johdonmukainen linja talousvastuun, energiaomavaraisuuden sekä Nato-jäsenyyden kannattamisen osalta pitää jatkossakin.
Johdonmukaisuudesta on myös palkittu luottamuksella vaaleissa. Voitimme eurovaalit 2019, kuntavaalit 2021, maan ensimmäiset aluevaalit 2022, eduskuntavaalit 2023 sekä viimeisimpänä eurovaalit ja presidentinvaalit 2024.
Pääministeriksi tuleminen on luonnollisesti unohtumaton asia elämässäni. Tässä työssä ollaan ja pääministeriksi pyritään, jotta asioita voisi muuttaa paremmaksi. Onnistuimme yhdessä muiden hallituspuolueiden kanssa neuvottelemaan ohjelman, jonka uskon kääntävän Suomen suunnan, kuten vaaleissa suomalaisille lupasimme. Laitamme talouden, puolustuksen, sisäisen turvallisuuden ja energiapolitiikan kuntoon, jotta tulevatkin sukupolvet saavat nauttia vauraasta, turvallisesta ja vapaasta hyvinvointiyhteiskunnasta sekä itsenäisestä Suomesta. Maailma muuttuu, kun sitä muutetaan.
Antti Petteri Orpo
Date of birth:
Wife Niina Kanniainen-Orpo, OTM,
two children and dogs Pessi and Taavi.
Master of Political Science, University of Turku, major in Economics,
Master's degree in Municipal Service Production.
Military rank:
Captain in the Reserves